Science communication forum "The Place of the Higher Education Institution in the Region"

Science communication forum "The Place of the Higher Education Institution in the Region" consists of introducing various Estonian and international cases.

Beside the keynotes focusing on global trends (Raul Eamets, Professor of the Faculty of Economics, University of Tartu, Dean of the field of Social Sciences) and national future perspectives (- Uku Varblane, Head of Research at the Center for Development Monitoring) cases are presented, followed by discussions. Researchers of UT Pärnu College, UT Narva College, UT Viljandi Culture Academy and Taltech Kuressaare College present the Estonian cases. Cases from Latvia, Lithuania, Finland and UK are discussed by representatives of the Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences, Klaipeda University, Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences and Manchester Metropolitan University.

Venue: UT Pärnu College
Address: Ringi 35, Pärnu
Date: 23. August 2023 9.30-16.00
Participation fee: free of charge

Registration is now closed. If you wish to participate, please contact Ain Hinsberg (



9.30–10.00 Registration

Opening and keynotes

10.00–10.15 Opening

10.15–10.45 Keynote – Raul Eamets, Professor of the Faculty of Economics, University of Tartu, Dean of the field of Social Sciences "Global trends, future skills and education"

10.45–11.15 Keynote – Uku Varblane, Head of Research at the Foresight Centre "Development trends and challenges of higher education in Estonia"

11.15–11.45 Garri Raagmaa, Director of UTPC, "The role of higher education in regional politics and the case of UT Pärnu College"

11.45–12.15 Reflections + Q&A

12.15–13.00 Lunch break

Baltic Sea Region/International cases

13.00–13.20 Iveta Putnina, Cases of Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences

13.20–13.35 Zita Gasiūnaitė, Case of Klaipeda University

13.35–13.50 Jukka Väyrynen, Case of Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences

13.50–14.00 Elizabeth Ineson, Case of La Fondation pour la Formation Hôtelière/Manchester MU

14.00–14.30 Reflections + Q&A

14.30–15.15 Afternoon break

Estonian cases, conclusions and closing

15.15–15.30 Indrek Reimand, Case of UT Narva College

15.30–15.45 Juko-Mart Kõlar, Case of UT Viljandi Culture Academy

15.45–16.00 Merit Kindsigo, Case of Taltech Kuressaare College

16.00–16.30 Reflections + Q&A

16.30–16.45 Conclusions, closing

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