Pärnu College

The University of Tartu Pärnu College is the flagship of service management education in Estonia. Pärnu College offers top-quality higher education as part of the University of Tartu, promotes service economy in Estonia in entrepreneurship, tourism and social affairs, and maintains and develops academic traditions in western Estonia.

Pärnu College belongs to the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Tartu, thus allowing students to obtain versatile knowledge in close cooperation with faculty members and students of economics, social sciences, psychology and several other specialities.


International studies

Although the college has a cosy atmosphere, it is one of the most international units at the university. International curricula have attracted numerous foreign students to Pärnu from all over Europe to Africa and visiting lecturers from Europe as well as the US. For example, we are the only institution in Estonia to offer master’s level higher education in Wellness and Spa Service Design and Management.

Practical training in tourism institutions abroad has become an integral part of studies for many of our students. Our traineeship programmes take students of Pärnu College across Europe and beyond, including Spain, Greece, Italy, Egypt and the US. Several Estonian companies are also highly valued traineeship partners by our students.

Student life and cooperation

Alongside studies and practical training, student life here is enriched by exciting student initiatives, some of which have become a tradition, such as Pärnu Night Orienteering. College life also involves sports groups, the business idea development program STARTER@Pärnumaa, student theatre K-äng2, student union, and events and reunions organized by our active alumni.

The activities of the college are enhanced by entrepreneurial cooperation with Pärnu County Development Centre, the University of the Third Age, youth research centre, and think tanks of Academia Pernaviensis. All active people over the age of 50 who like to communicate with interesting people, stay informed about the affairs of the state and their local city, are expected to attend the University of the Third Age which began its activities in 2010. By now, the University of the Third Age that was initiated in Pärnu has become popular also in other Estonian cities.


The diploma awarded upon graduation from Pärnu College ensures an academic degree of the University of Tartu, a knowledge base with a diverse international grasp, language and learning experience, high level of competitiveness in both the Estonian and world labour market, and a social network for life.