Master's Theses

Afam, Nneka. Benefits of spas on individuals’ mental health and physical wellness: a case study of Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria. - Supervisor Monika Kumm, PhD. - Pärnu, 2023.

Amato, Raffaele. The influence of servicescape on creation of sensitive and emotional experiences in wellness consumers. - Supervisor Melanie Kay Smith, PhD. - Pärnu, 2016.

Bello, Hakeem Kolade. Entrepreneurial creativity and innovation and spa service development in Nigeria. - Supervisor Heli Tooman, PhD. - Pärnu, 2019.

Belveber, Kristina. An analysis of Russian-speaking guests: experience of Estonian spas. - Supervisor Melanie Kay Smith, PhD. - Pärnu, 2013.

Bentsalo, Inna. Unekvaliteeti soodustava kompleksteenuse pakkumine ravispaahotelli Tervis näitel = Promoting the quality of sleep on the case of the complex of services provided by Tervis medical spa. - Supervisors Marlit Veldi, PhD; Heli Tooman, PhD. - Pärnu, 2011.

Cabule, Santa. Spa-service design for a leisure hotel in case of La Baita-Courmayeur. - Supervisor Heli Müristaja, MSc. - Pärnu, 2013.

Caffier, Eileen. The social spa concept design. An investigation of innovative experience services which need to be included in a spa concept to encourage socializing. A case study of Germany. - Supervisor Melanie Kay Smith, PhD. - Pärnu, 2017.

Cloutier, Josée-Ann. The significance of community in wellness service design: the case of retreats. - Supervisor Melanie Kay Smith,PhD. - Pärnu, 2015.

Cvetkova, Anna. Managing difficult spa customers and situations: challenges and strategies, the case of ESPA Riga, Latvia. - Supervisor Melanie Kay Smith, PhD. - Pärnu, 2021.

Dzirkale, Ilze. Shaping wellbeing through slow adventures: the glamping case of Latvia. - Supervisor Margrit Kärp, MBA. - Pärnu, 2021.

Dumbadze, Liana. Creating wellness as company structure: the case of workplace stress in a communication company in Georgia. - Supervisor Melanie Kay Smith, PhD. - Pärnu, 2017

Eljaste, Kadi-Kai. Age management concept for wellness and spa sector. - Supervisor Kai Tomasberg. - Pärnu, 2013.

Enone, Keme Epie. Enhancing spa customer satisfaction in the case of Pühajärve Spa and Holiday Resort. - Supervisor Heli Tooman, PhD. - Pärnu, 2013.

Fahid, Muhammad. The impact of wellness spa service quality on intention to recommend and revisit: destination image and satisfaction as mediators. - Juhendaja Monika Kumm, PhD. - Pärnu, 2021.

Fungsaichon, Chawanok. Service innovation factors for successful new service development in the destination spas: an investigation on spa cuisine. -Supervisor Monika Übner, PhD. - Pärnu, 2014.

Gaiduka, Līga. Coherence between government entities and spas providing health services for local citizens: example of Latvia. - Supervisor László Puczkó; kaasjuhendaja Heli Tooman, PhD. - Pärnu, 2012.

Gegechkori, Guram. Designing innovative services for spas: the case of alcoholism treatment in Georgia. - Supervisor Melanie Kay Smith, PhD. - Pärnu, 2016.

Githae-Jansson, Caroline. An exploration of perspectives and patterns of complementary and alternative medicine use for wellness among Finnish and Estonian people. -Supervisor Melanie Kay Smith, PhD. - Pärnu, 2014.

Gkigki, Maria Eleni. An exploration of spa employees' wellbeing and the impact of perceived leadership style. - Supervisor Melanie Kay Smith, PhD. - Pärnu, 2021.

Gorbovaja, Anna. The relation between interior design of spas and wellness facilities and customers preferences. - Supervisor László Puczkó, PhD. - Pärnu, 2015.

Hakhverdyan, Norayr. A critical analysis of employee motivation in the spa and wellness industry. - Supervisor Melanie Kay Smith, PhD. - Pärnu, 2017.

Härkönen, Mikko. Spa hotel staff awareness and commitment to environmental practices: the case of Green Key in Estonia and Latvia. - Supervisor Heli Tooman, PhD. - Pärnu, 2012.

Jangidze, Tsitsino. The workforce qualification problems in wellness and spa industry, case study of hotel spas in Georgia. - Supervisor Monika Übner, PhD. - Pärnu, 2018.

Karroum, Tala Abou. Body positivity in social media marketing: the wellness industry. - Supervisor Melanie Kay Smith, PhD. - Pärnu, 2023.

Kazi, Humair Hanif. Digital branding of wellness destination: the case of Estonia. - Supervisor Monika Übner, PhD. - Pärnu, 2019.

Khadka, Laxmi. The significance of employee well-being while delivering wellness and spa services. - Supervisor Melanie Kay Smith, PhD. - Pärnu, 2015.

Khanal, Anup. Germany as a wellness destination : Dutch traveller perspective. - Supervisor Mealnie Kay Smith, PhD. - Pärnu, 2019.

Korn, Sander. Butiikhotellide roll ja arenguvõimalused Eestis = The role and development opportunities of boutique hotels in the situation of Estonia. - Supervisor Heli Tooman, PhD. Pärnu, 2011.

Kulichyova, Anastasia. The key factors on choosing a spa hotel as a conference site: a case from spa hotel Ystad Saltsjöbad in Southern Sweden. - Supervisors Torleif Bramryd, PhD; Heli Tooman, PhD. - Pärnu, 2016.

Kuruson, Mare. Binding a spa client loyalty with modern digital tools. - Supervisor László Puczkó, PhD. - Pärnu, 2014.

Lambot-Lepp, Liina. Spa cuisine development in the case of Pühajärve Spa & Holiday Resort. - Supervisor Melanie Kay Smith, PhD. - Pärnu, 2014.

Liavoshka, Iryna. An analysis and measurement of service quality: the case of Belarusian day spas. - Supervisor Melanie Kay Smith, PhD. - Pärnu, 2015.

Lopatyuk Oksana. Re-creation of traditional spiritual concept of oriental treatments in the modern world, based on Ayurveda treatment example in case of Milfey Spa Center. - Supervisors Ascencao Mario Passos, PhD; Kai Tomasberg. - Pärnu, 2014.

Läti, Kristi. How employee empowerment concept works at Laulasmaa conference and spa hotel. - Supervisor Tiina Viin, MA. - Pärnu, 2014.

Malié, Violaine. Developing the attractiveness of thermal water based health tourism a comparison in Champagne-Ardenne area in France. - Supervisor László Puczkó, PhD; Co-Supervisor Melanie Kay Smith, PhD. - Pärnu, 2014.

Marinkovic, Tanja. Tourism product development for rural wellbeing in Serbia. - Supervisor Melanie Kay Smith, PhD. - Pärnu, 2020.

Maripuu, Annika. Võrdlusanalüüs - kui vahend lakkamatuks arenguks : Tallinna päevaspaade näitel = Benchmarking as a tool for continuos impoverment : the case of Tallinn day spas. - Supervisor Heli Tooman, PhD. -Pärnu, 2011.

Mazur-Małek, Marta. Employee worksite wellness: case of Coca-Cola Poland. - Supervisor Melanie Kay Smith, PhD. - Pärnu, 2017.

Mohammed, Jumai Maryam. The perceived benefits of work-based wellness programs: a case study of Nigerian companies and employees. - Supervisor Melanie Kay Smith, PhD. - Pärnu, 2021.

Mordashova, Liubov. Developing Saaremaa as a slow movement destination. - Supervisor Melanie Kay Smith, PhD. - Pärnu, 2018.

Mozhyn, Andriy. Health literacy crisis: opportunities for wellness and fitness centers. - Supervisor Heli Tooman, PhD. - Pärnu, 2015.

Mube, Celerine Mendi. Customers' delight : detecting customers' attitude, case of Estonian spas. - Supervisor Monika Übner, PhD. - Pärnu, 2019.

Nalobina, Svetlana. Analysis of wellness consumer market of generation Y in Estonia. - Supervisor Melanie Kay Smith, PhD. - Pärnu, 2015.

Niinepuu, Triin. Customer loyalty and the role of delight in day spa industry, case of Estonia and Finland. - Supervisor Heli Tooman, PhD. - Pärnu, 2018.

Nikotina, Viktoriia. The analysis of the concept of sustainability in the context of luxury spa and wellness hotels. - Supervisor Melanie Kay Smith, PhD. - Pärnu, 2015.

Obatitor, Akpoveta Everest. The importance of coastal environment in promoting human health and wellbeing. - Supervisor Melanie Kay Smith, PhD. - Pärnu, 2014.

Obidiaso, Grace Ifeoma. The effect of wellness treatments on the physical and mental health of individuals. - Supervisor Monika Kumm, PhD. - Pärnu, 2021.

Orula, Kadri. The concept of healthy ageing as an opportunity for the fitness sector. - Supervisor Melanie Kay Smith, PhD. - Pärnu, 2017.

Otor, Ogheneoruese Christabel. The impact of physical activity on mental wellbeing due to migration from hot to cold climate. - Supervisor Monika Kumm, PhD. - Pärnu, 2023.

Otter, Jorieke. Organic drugs and wellness experiences: a case study of the Netherlands. - Supervisor Melanie Kay Smith, PhD. - Pärnu, 2023.

Panagiotaras, Kosmas. The seasonal workers’ wellbeing in Greek islands hospitality industry. - Supervisor Monika Kumm, PhD. - Pärnu, 2020.

Petkevitšjus, Irina. Designing nature-based landscape services for optium wellness. - Supervisor Melanie Kay Smith, PhD. - Pärnu, 2014.

Rahuoja, Kaisa. The influence of online self-development services on user's personal wellness, habits and lifestile. - Supervisor Melanie Kay Smith, PhD. - Pärnu, 2015.

Rathnayake, Saumya. Health and wellbeing benefits of spending time in nature on urban young adults. - Supervisor Kai Tomasberg. - Pärnu, 2021.

Rääk, Kaisa. Personnel recruitment and training strategies in the spa industry in the case of the Bliss Spa Barcelona. - Supervisor Heli Müristaja, MSc. - Pärnu, 2012.

Sakalova, Katsiaryna. Slovenia as a spa, wellness and health tourism destination for the Russian market. - Supervisor Melanie Kay Smith, PhD. - Pärnu, 2017.

Sihancova, Marina. Three-phase research on spa natural and organic spa skin care label evaluating and perception by consumer. - Supervisor Melanie Kay Smith, PhD. - Pärnu, 2014.

Sillaots, Elleriin. Increasing spa attractiveness among men: case of Estonia. - Supervisor Melanie Kay Smith, PhD. - Pärnu, 2014.

Sinicropi, Stephanie. Analyzing consumer perceptions: the case of the natural and organic category of cosmetic products. - Supervisor Melanie Kay Smith, PhD. - Pärnu, 2014.

Stanić, Ivana. Cross-cultural comparison of spa and wellness services for teenagers. - Supervisor Melanie Kay Smith, PhD. - Pärnu, 2015.

Suitslepp, Kaidi. Organic food promotion by investigating Estonian green consumer: case of Biomarket Ltd. - Supervisor Melanie Kay Smith, PhD. - Pärnu, 2015.

Zandiyeh, Khatereh. Strengthening the day spa's internal marketing: the case of Namina Wellness Spa, Finland. - Supervisor Heli Tooman, PhD. - Pärnu, 2021.

Žeibe - Dakstiņa, Žanete. Creating memorable wellness experiences for customers in Latvian spas. - Supervisor Melanie Kay Smith. - Pärnu, 2021.

Tael, Laura. A cross-national study of motivations and perceived benefits of visitors to medical spas in Estonia. - Supervisor László Puczkó, PhD. - Pärnu, 2015.

Tamm, Pille. Alternatiivteraapiate kasutamine Eesti spaades = The use of alternative therapies in Estonian spas. - Supervisor Tiina Viin, MA.-Pärnu, 2011.

Toomela, Triinu. Spa as a promoter of women holistic lifestyle. - Supervisor Kai Tomasberg. - Pärnu, 2014.

Trumsi, Getter. Visitor's expectations created by visual elements on a spa website before the spa visit. - Supervisor László Puczkó, PhD. - Pärnu, 2014.

Ukagwu, Njideka Eucharia. Developing and marketing Lagos Island, Nigeria as a wellness tourism destination. - Supervisor Monika Kumm, PhD. - Pärnu, 2020.

Umoh, Emaido Monday. Emotional wellbeing and its impact on customer loyalty in the spa. - Supervisor Monika Kumm, PhD. - Pärnu, 2022.

Vainberg, Ksenia. Wellness of professional sportsmen after training session: designing recovery plan for Estonian football players. - Supervisor Monika Übner, PhD. - Pärnu, 2015.

Vasilev, Kirill. Impact of sustainable development management on attractiveness of tourism destination: case of Russian Arctic. - Supervisor Monika Kumm, PhD. - Pärnu, 2023.

Veideman, Triin. Internal communication in a spa franchising relationship: the case of ESPA International. - Supervisor Heli Tooman, PhD. - Pärnu, 2014.

Verpson, Anne-Liise. Implications of employee empowerment in a spa business setting - the case of Italian spas. - Supervisor Heli Tooman, PhD. - Pärnu, 2016.

Vlahović, Vojimir. Spa guests in a business hotel in Estonia: an analysis of profiles, motivations and needs. - Juhendaja Melanie Kay Smith, PhD. - Pärnu, 2019.

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