You are safe here!

With the COVID-19 safety label, trusted to us by Visit Pärnu we confirm that we follow the requirements and instructions of the Government and the Health Board of Estonia established for our field of activity, we keep up to date with the information and help visitors to comply with the virus prevention rules on site.

he university aims to keep regular studies in the face-to-face format as long as possible, which is why stronger safety measures are imposed. Block mode study takes place in distance learning until the end of December. Safe distancing should be maintained between people during classes, in public rooms and all, including those who are vaccinated, must wear masks in the university buildings.

Read more about Unversity of Tartu coronavirus information.

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At a service provider who has joined the Goodwill Agreement, you can be sure that:

  • The visitor's code of conduct and information on the Covid-19 virus prevention activities implemented by the service provider are available for all clients;
  • all employees are aware of the guidelines for preventing the spread of the virus and follow them in their daily work;
  • the indoor ventilation system is working properly;
  • there are enough disinfectants, they are available in places visible to everyone;
  • frequently touched surfaces are cleaned and disinfected regularly;
  • employees and guests are required to wear a mask or alternative personal protective equipment in accordance with applicable national regulations;
  • the possibility to maintain the necessary distance both with each other and with the service providers is ensured;
  • people with signs of illness are not allowed to be in public places or in the service area;
  • people who have come into contact with a client or employee with signs of illness are informed of the exposure without disclosing personal data;
  • the service provider participates in COVID-19 prevention webinars organised by Enterprise Estonia.