Tartu Ülikool

Pärnu College Student Council

Members of the College Student Council are the first to notice shortcomings or deficiencies in the study or campus environment of the University of Tartu Pärnu College. Comprising predominantly one-fifth of the college council, they are its voting members and can make proposals for changes.

Pärnu College student representatives

Katrin Ojala
Social Work and Rehabilitation Administration programme, part-time studies
Katrin Ojala
Social Work and Rehabilitation Administration programme, part-time studies
Margo Laul
Entrepreneurship and Project Management programme, part-time studies
Margo Laul
Entrepreneurship and Project Management programme, part-time studies
Seth Anderson
Entrepreneurship and Project Management programme, full-time
Seth Anderson
Entrepreneurship and Project Management programme, full-time
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Turism Maltal ning IHG Hotels & Resorts Malta praktikavõimalused

Tourism in Malta and Internship Opportunities at IHG Hotels & Resorts Malta

Pärnu kolledž

Course Representatives

Tartu Ülikooli tudengid Delta õppehoones

The mentoring programme offers a valuable experience for both students and alumni