
In addition to borrowing books, Pärnu College Library of the University of Tartu offers the opportunity to use the reading room, information sources, and computers. Printing on both A3 and A4 papers is also available at the library. The library provides the service of interlibrary loan from other libraries in Estonia which enables picking up the requested books conveniently at Pärnu College Library.


Borrowing takes place at the front desk of the library reading room and requires your ID card. All registered users have the right to borrow books and other publications from the library. The user card of Pärnu College Library is valid also at the University of Tartu Library; therefore, users registered at the college library can borrow books and other publications also from there. Register as a new user

Generally, books can be borrowed for 30 days. The publications that are for in-house use only are marked with a red dot and can be borrowed for 24 hours without the possibility of due date renewal. Journals, magazines, newspapers, master’s and other theses cannot be borrowed.

Due dates can be renewed:

  • in the e-catalogue ESTER
  • by e-mail at
  • by calling +372 445 0525, +372 4450526, +372 514 2156
  • at the library

Users can renew their due dates up to 10 times; from there on, due dates can be renewed only by the library staff.

Users cannot renew the due dates if:

  • the due date has been overrun by more than 30 days
  • the item has been reserved by another user
  • the borrower already has a debt of unpaid fine of €2 or more

Fines and debts

A fine for delay is calculated for publications the due dates of which have passed: 30-day borrow – 10 cents for each day of delay per publication. If the unpaid fine reaches 2 euros, the library’s information system will block the user’s right to borrow and renew due dates, that is, the user can no longer renew due dates in MY ESTER.

Fines can be paid at the library in cash or by a transfer to the University of Tartu bank account no. EE411010902000448006. The payment order must include the following information:

Receiver of the transfer: Tartu Ülikool
Bank account no: EE411010902000448006
Explanation: Pärnu College, VIIVIS, name of the payer, number of your library card or your personal identification code

Registration in the waiting list

If you want to place hold on a book that has already been borrowed, call +372 445 0525, +372 445 0526, +372 514 2156 or send an email at You will receive a notification email when the publication is returned.

Use of the reading room

The reading room seats 25 readers, has working spaces equipped with computers and an authorised workstation for reading online publications purchased for the college. The library is within the Wi-Fi area.

The books are stored on open shelves according to disciplines and are for both in-house use and borrowing. The signposts that facilitate finding the books show the way to the right topics. The call number for each book is given in ESTER.

Reservation of the library seminar room requires prior registration. You can make a reservation at the library or with the help of academic affairs specialists.


For printing and copies, library users may use the self-service copy machine/printer at the library. This requires creating a print account on the website of Print in City and making a deposit into the account. For identification, the print account can be linked with your ID card, public transport card or UT employment certificate. The Print in City service allows printing on library computers, on a personal computer via the internet or from a USB drive.

Information services

We reply to the following questions concerning the

  • availability of a publication at our library
  • specification of call numbers

Email at

Interlibrary loan (ILL)

Interlibrary loan is a service through which library materials not available at our library or copies of articles from periodicals may be requested from other libraries in Estonia and abroad. ILL is a paid service. Place your orders at the library or send an email to

Publications that have arrived with the ILL service are for in-house use only. Copies of articles will be provided on paper.

We only order publications that are not available at our library. You can check the availability from the e-catalogue ESTER or from the library staff. You can order publications the borrowing of which is not restricted. The sending library has the decision-making right regarding fulfillment of the order. You cannot order reference books, periodicals, or graduation (diploma, bachelor’s and master’s) theses. The due date for a publication is set by the sending library. Publications ordered via the interlibrary loan (ILL) service are for in-house use only in the reading room of Pärnu College Library. We will notify you by phone or email when the ordered publications have arrived.

ILL allows libraries to order necessary literature for their readers from Pärnu College Library.

We accept orders by phone +372 445 0525 and email at

Additional information

Pärnu College Library
+372 445 0525
++372 514 2156