Rooms for rent

Pärnu College offers short-term room rental for entrepreneurs, trainers and other people interested.

Room Price (VAT exclusive;
no VAT added)
Room 304 (auditorium with 20 seats) 13 €/hour
64 €/day

Rooms 111, 113, 115, 206, 207 (auditoria with 40 to 50 seats,
incl. a computer, video projector and overhead projector)

26 €/hour
128 €/day

Rooms 11, 113, 115, 206, 207
(auditoria with 40 to 50 seats, no equipment)

20 €/hour
96 €/day

Rooms 208, 212 (auditoria with 98 seats, incl. a computer,
video projector, overhead projector, and TV screen)

32 €/hour
160 €/day

Room 201 (computer class with 19 seats)
Room 210 (computer class with 18 seats)

27 €/hour
135 €/day

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