Sandra Peegel

Accessiblity in Tourism: Case of mental impairment

12.00–12.20 Opening and introduction - Liina Käär (Pärnu College, University of Tartu), Marco Scholtz (Thomas More University)

12.20–13.00 Accessibility in tourism: do we and why do we need accessibility in tourism? - Tatjana Koor, Enterprise Estonia

13.00-–13.30 Mental impairment – who is our target group? - Helle Känd, NGO Tartu Maarja Tugikeskus

13.30–14.15 MindTour experiences and new prototypes from Belgium, Latvia and Estonia. Introduction of handbook “Guidelines for making tourism services more accessible for people with mental impairment” - Liina Käär (Pärnu College, University of Tartu), Marco Scholtz (Thomas More University), Aija Van Der Steina (University of Latvia)

14.15–14.45 Coffee break: time for communication

Possibility to see prototypes of the project.

14.45–15.45 Tour and understanding of accessibility in Pärnu Museum

Tour in museum will show the current issues regarding the accessibility and possible solutions to offer more inclusive experience for mentally impaired people. Participants have possibility to visit new exhibition “Une hõlmas” also.

15.45–16.00 Closing the event

Registration form for participation:

„Harmonia Universitatis“ kontsert „Väike öömuusika“

The last “Harmonia Universitatis” concert this academic year

Surnutepäev Pärnu kolledžis