International Project Management Conference "From Project Management to Project Economy" SOLD OUT!

  • Friday, 16 February, 9.30–20.00
  • University of Tartu Pärnu College (Ringi 35, Pärnu)

The conference day will start with a joint plenary session, followed by smaller thematic parallel sessions on project management. The day will be rounded off with a networking reception and concert (requires separate registration). The performer Marek Talts is one of the most respected and versatile guitarists in the Estonian music scene.

NB! The second session of the conference (13:00–15:00) will be in English.


Time Topic Speaker
9.30-10.00 Coffee and registration
10.00-10.20 Opening remarks Mihkel Solvak, Vice Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences of University of Tartu

Andres Sooniste, Board Member of Pärnu County Chamber of Enterprises

Erik Reinhold, Head of Pärnu County Development Centre and Board Member of the Association of Local Authorities of Pärnu County
10.20-10.40 State – how to reduce government costs and achieve greater value Urmo Merila, Deputy Director General of the State Shared Service Centre
10.40-11.00 Is strategy implementation a project? Anneli Lepp, Sectoral Manager of Enterprise Estonia
11.00-11.20 Universities on the way from project management to project economy Mihkel Solvak, Vice Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences of University of Tartu
11.20-11.40 Planning Department Projects and Digital Twin Silver Smeljanski, Deputy Mayor of Pärnu
11.40-12.00 Questions and answers
12.00-13.00 Lunch
(in English)
13.00-13.30 Projectification of Society - Quo Vadis? Reinhard Wagner, Managing Director of the Munich-based Tiba Transformation Group, Germany
13.30-13.55 Setting goals and resolving conflicts with the assistance of AI

Kuldar Taveter, Associate Professor in Information Systems, Institute of Computer Science,
University of Tartu

13.55-14.20 Project based collaboration in regional networks Iveta Putnina, Development Vice Rector, Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences, Latvia
14.20-14.45 7 habits of effective project teams Juko-Mart Kõlar, Director of University of Tartu Viljandi Culture Academy
14.45-15.00 Questions and answers Moderated by Ain Hinsberg, Project Manager at the University of Tartu Pärnu College
15.00-15.30 Coffee break
III SESSION Thematic presentations and workshops
15.30-17.30 International Project Management and Networks (in English)

15:30–15:50 - Iveta Putnina, Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences

15:55–16:15 - Laila Gercane, Head of Development and Project Department at Vidzeme
Planning Region

16:20–16:40 - Thomas Abraham, Co-founder & CEO of Clever Cities Group – Building smart
city districts

16:45–17:05 - Karin Vahtre, Human Resources Project Manager at Swedbank Estonia

17:10–17:30 - Ain Hinsberg, UT Pärnu College

Public sector/Third sector/Education

15:30–15:50 - Aleksandr Michelson, Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications –
The value and success factors of collaborative projects

16:20–16:40 - Andrus Aljas, Manager of Estonia Spa Hotels AS – How Pärnu first got a modern
airport and then summer connections to Helsinki and Stockholm

16:45–17:05 - Erik Reinhold, Head of Pärnu County Development Centre – Pärnumaa Development Centre as a project-based organization (CLUSTER) – collaboration between public, education, and private sectors.

17:10–17:30 - Kadri Steinbach, University of Tartu Viljandi Culture Academy – Practical Project Management: The Development Process of the Project Management Curriculum.

Business projects

15:30–15:50 - Kristjan Rotenberg, Leadership Mentor & Trainer – Joker in project management: change management

15:55–16:15 - Andres Sooniste, Board Member of Pärnu County Chamber of Enterprises –
The key to the success of the project is in the hands of the project owner

16:20–16:40 - Margus Randmäe, CEO at Destination Pärnu – Marketing of the tourist destination in Pärnu County – project or brand?

16:45–17:05 - Kai Tarmula, entrepreneur– The 3 biggest lessons in project management

17:10–17:30 - Aare Raev, Co-founder of Tamiatics and FOAAL Consulting – Links between entrepreneurship and project management

17.30-17.45 Break. Questions and answers
17.45-19.30 Reception- concert and networking (requires separate registration) Performing Marek Talts, a guitarist
  • The programme is updated on an ongoing basis, and the organisers reserve the right to make changes to it.
  • We would like to inform attendees that photography and filming will be taking place during the event. These images and footage may be used for future promotional, educational, and informational activities related to UT Pärnu College. If you do not wish to be photographed or filmed, please inform the event staff upon arrival.
Mihkel Solvak

Mihkel Solvak
Vice Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences of University of Tartu

Juko-Mart Kõlar

Juko-Mart Kõlar
Director of University of Tartu Viljandi Culture Academy

Urmo Merila

Urmo Merila
Deputy Director General of the State Shared Service Centre

Kuldar Taveter

Kuldar Taveter
Associate Professor in Information Systems, Institute of Computer Science, University of Tartu

Reinhard Wagner

Reinhard Wagner
Managing Director of the Tiba Transformation Group, Germany

Erik Reinhold

Erik Reinhold
Head of Pärnu County Development Centre and Board Member
of the Association of Local Authorities of Pärnu County

Silver Smeljanski

Silver Smeljanski
Deputy Mayor of Pärnu

Iveta Putnina

Iveta Putnina
Development Vice Rector, Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences, Latvia

Margus Randmäe

Margus Randmäe
CEO at Destination Pärnu

Kai Tarmula

Kai Tarmula

Thomas Abraham

Thomas Abraham
Co-founder & CEO of Clever Cities Group

Kristan Rotenberg

Kristjan Rotenberg
Leadership Mentor & Trainer

Andres Sooniste

Andres Sooniste
Board Member of Pärnu County Chamber of Enterprises

Elen Preimann

Elen Preimann
Advisor in the Welfare Department of the Ministry of Social Affairs

Aare Raev

Aare Raev
Co-founder of Tamiatics and FOAAL Consulting

Anneli Lepp

Anneli Lepp
Sectoral Manager of Enterprise Estonia

Ain Hinsberg


Ain Hinsberg
Project Manager at the University of Tartu Pärnu College

Price until
January 31, 2024
Price starting February 1, 2024 Price starting February 8, 2024

Standard Ticket with Evening Event Participation
Includes coffee breaks, lunch, and participation in the evening event.

75 € 85 € 95 €

Standard Ticket
Includes coffee breaks and lunch, but does not include the evening event.

50 €

60 € 70 €

Discounted Ticket for EPMA Members
Includes coffee breaks and lunch, but excludes the evening event.

40 € 50 € 60 €

Evening Event Participation
Evening event, includes reception

25 € 25 € 25 €

University of Tartu Pärnu College Staff
Includes coffee breaks and lunch, but excludes the evening event.

15 € 20 € 25 €

University of Tartu Pärnu College Student
Includes coffee breaks and lunch, but excludes the evening event.

15 € 20 € 25 €


The easiest way to get to Pärnu is to take an international flight to Tallinn, the capital of Estonia, or Riga, the capital of Latvia. Pärnu is located only a few hours drive from the airports of both cities, which are connected by the high-speed Via Baltica (E67) road.

By bus to Pärnu

There are enough buses in the Tallinn-Pärnu and Riga-Pärnu directions to comfortably reach your travel destination at any time. Information and tickets within Estonia can be easily found in the T-Pilet environment. Many buses are equipped with all amenities such as toilet, multimedia center, air conditioning.

The following bus lines run on the international Riga – Pärnu – Tallinn route:


Ordering taxis in Pärnu:

1222 – Pärnu Taxi
1918 – Electric Taxi
1200 – Go Taxi
1700 – Bristol Taxi
1300 – E-Taxi
In addition, Bolt application works in Pärnu.


The parking lot at Pärnu College has limited capacity, therefore, those driving to the college are advised to arrive early and factor in time to find a parking spot. It is recommended to park your car within a 5-10 minute walking distance from the college or at the parking facility of your accommodation.

From the beginning of September until the end of May, parking in the Pärnu beach area is free. However, downtown parking is subject to fees year-round. For additional information on parking in Pärnu city, please refer to the local guidelines.


Pärnu's hotels and other lodging facilities welcome guests throughout the year. The city is particularly known for its spas and water centers. There are nine different spas to choose from in Pärnu. For accommodation options in Pärnu, please refer to local listings.


If you are visiting Pärnu, it is certainly worthwhile to explore the city's various attractions if time allows.

Countdown to the "From Project Management to Project Economy" Conference
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