Tartu Ülikooli Pärnu kolledž

Pärnu College Director Garri Raagmaa's speech at the Graduation Ceremony 2023

Dear graduates, esteemed vice-dean, deputy mayor, dear colleagues, and all our friends and guests!

How many of you live outside of Pärnu?

A month ago, a study on future trends in national planning was completed at the University of Tartu. I recommend taking a look at it.

Seven years from now, as you drive to Pärnu, you will be greeted by wind turbines standing on the fields, gracefully turning and generating electricity. They look quite impressive! You might also notice something shimmering on the horizon when you reach the beach. Those are offshore wind turbines, the most prominent ambassadors of the new era of energy.

We have been living in a VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity) world for some time now. Warren Bennis and Burt Nanus coined this acronym in 1987. When day learners were born, Fukuyama had already become famous with his article "The End of History," which grew into a philosophical and broader societal understanding that liberal capitalism had triumphed over communism and other "isms." Today, it's not something we can easily explain to Comrade Vladimir Vladimirovich and Xi. We can only praise the wisdom of our former leaders for closely aligning ourselves with the West.

To the students:

What has become of you in 2030?

I assume you have traveled the world and seen things. However, it's important not to travel excessively as it is not environmentally friendly. Nonetheless, I recommend taking longer trips! For those of you who haven't had the chance due to the pandemic or other reasons, one option is to pursue a master's degree and then embark on an Erasmus exchange or internship with the help of funding. Our geographic connections are expanding to increasingly exotic countries. Why am I saying this? Because the old joke still stands: everywhere is better where we are not. After exploring the world for a while, it becomes evident that Estonia is an incredibly wonderful place. Simply the best!

In 2030, many of you will likely have successful careers. College is just the beginning of great achievements! Some of you may have started families or welcomed new additions to your families. Others may have made academic progress. And even if you still need to, remain curious and eager to learn. And for those who are not yet living in Pärnumaa, consider making your way to Pärnu as well.

To our partners:

Because Pärnu will offer far more opportunities than ever before. Airplanes are already flying, and ships are sailing even now. It might take another ten years until the full-length Rail Baltica is completed. But who knows, maybe it will only take 40 minutes to get to Ülemiste by then.

To make these opportunities truly materialize, effort is required. A year ago, we established the Pärnumaa Infrastructure Cooperation Council. We haven't heard much about it in the past year. It's time to take the bull by the horns. Therefore, together with the Development Center, we are now putting together the KOBAR2 major project to advance strategic topics and ensure that the opportunities presented in 2030 and beyond are realized. One of these opportunities is a brand-new student dormitory, or rather, a talented home in a new version.

To our employees:

In 2030, someone else will deliver this speech here. I would like to believe it will be one of you in this room. The next five years won't be much easier. But they will be exciting! The University's budget for 2024 includes 1.3 million. So, next summer, we can expect renovations: ensuring better ventilation in the auditoriums and transforming the foyer into a pleasant gathering place for the townspeople, entrepreneurs, and especially you, the alumni. We also hope that the government's plans for higher education and the college budget from the Minister of Education will hold, allowing us to provide our employees with the best working conditions and environment. To make sure of that, however, you'll also need to earn additional income. The surest bet is always the product that the market likes and buys.


In 25 years, society will be quite different. So, students! Who remembers my lecture on Kondratiev waves? Around 2040, the peak of the sixth wave, green energy and artificial intelligence, will arrive. Life will be better! Or more austere? Maybe somewhat similar to the Nordic countries. Assuming, of course, the planet hasn't boiled over in the meantime, or our eastern neighbors haven't done something hopelessly foolish.

Pärnumaa will have over 100,000 inhabitants once again. Estonia, especially Pärnumaa, will undoubtedly be a major exporter of energy, primarily hydrogen. We will be able to reach Ülemiste, Riga, and maybe even Helsinki by train from Pärnu. Technology will increasingly automate human work. Therefore, the game and virtual reality industry initiated by Gamecan will become the main employer in Pärnu. The good thing is that Pärnu's youth won't have time to play games anymore, thanks to earning money in the gaming industry.

Will we continue learning in the same way? Well, as you just did? There are numerous MOOCs and online courses available worldwide. However, if we look at how universities have functioned for almost 1,000 years, human relationships and the role of mentors – those who provide guidance and empower others – tend to be more important than ever. It is one of the paradoxes created by the information age – amid the abundance of information, we need the advice of wiser individuals to choose a reasonable direction that sparks our enthusiasm and makes the world a better place.

This means that we have reasons to come together again and again! Even in the year 2050.

Vivat academia! Vivat Professores!

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