International science event "Multiscientia Pernaviensis"

Viktor Tund

The international science event "Multiscientia Pernaviensis" covers two different topics that are essential for Pärnu County and UT Pärnu college.

The science communication forum is held to discuss the role of regional higher education institution with the program consisting of various Estonian and international cases and related discussions.

A high-level international science conference "Aspects of blue economy at different spatial scales" is held focusing on a new priority area of the college - resource management - by addressing the topic of blue economy.

Venue: UT Pärnu College
Address: Ringi 35, Pärnu
Date: 23.-24. August 2023
Participation fee: free of charge

Registration is complete. If you wish to participate, please contact Ain Hinsberg (

23.08 Science communication forum "The Place of the Higher Education Institution in the Region"

24.08 International science conference "Aspects of blue economy at different spatial scales"


Conference dinner at Pärnu Yacht Club 23.08

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