Online seminar - AI and IT meets business and creativity


Workshop - AI and IT meets business and creativity takes place online on 22.08.2023
Online seminar is part of Nordplus „Creaforum“ project and free for participants

CREAFORUM – Co-operation platform for education, business sector, organisations and creative industry

22.08.2023 CREAFORUM WORKSHOP (online seminar)
meets education of business & creativity

13.00 – 13.10 Introduction of the day and CreaForum project – Gerda Mihhailova/Kadri Riitsaar
13.10 – 13.45 Sten Õitspuu:
Power of Digital Community Building
13.45 – 14.45 Diana Poudel: Tools of AI in business and creativity education

Small break

15.00 – 15.45 Discussion in breakout groups: mixed groups of creative Industry people, students and business & creativity teachers
15.45 – 16.00 Overview of discussions in each group

Workshop speakers

Diana Poudel, currently a Junior Fellow at the University of Tartu, conducts research on information resilience, particularly to psychological manipulation in the information space. She is the author of the book "Safe Internet: Guide to Digital World" and has created a series of study materials to promote digital literacy and security.

In recent months, Diana has become an active user of AI tools, including ChatGPT, which she uses regularly in her daily tasks. In her upcoming presentation, she will show how these AI-based tools can help us become better teachers and researchers.

Diana is a member of the Estonian Women's Defense League, where she educates new members on how to stay safe in the information space. She has long been a big fan of science fiction and gets very excited when things from her favorite books become reality.

We will send you a zoom link 2 days before seminar

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