Venia legendi loengud Tartu Ülikooli Pärnu kolledžis 21.mail 2012

TÜ Pärnu kolledži turismiplaneerimise dotsendi ametikohale kandideerib Melanie Smith, PhD.

Venia legendi videoloeng teemal "Cultural Planning for Urban Tourism"

21. mail 2012 kell 13.00 – 14.30, auditooriumis nr 115

Dr Melanie Smith (MA, MSc, PCGE, PhD) is an Associate Professor and Researcher in Tourism at the Budapest Business School in Hungary. She was Director of BA Tourism and MA Cultural Tourism Management Programmes for several years at the University of Greenwich in London. She has curriculum development and lecturing experience in a range of subjects, including tourism planning, sustainable tourism, cultural tourism, ecotourism, health and wellness tourism, urban tourism and regeneration. She is also Chair of ATLAS (Association for Tourism and Leisure Education), which has around 300 members in 70 countries. She is author of several books and journal articles with research interests in cultural and urban tourism, regeneration and planning, and health and wellness tourism. She has been a Keynote Speaker at more than ten international conferences and has undertaken consultancy work in several countries worldwide.

Her doctoral thesis focused on the theme of cultural planning for urban regeneration, which she since published as a monograph in 2010. During this time she undertook action research and advisory work in the London Borough of Greenwich working with local government agencies in economic and community development, tourism and arts. She was also actively involved in outreach work for cultural and creative industries, as well as being on the Board of the World Heritage Site Education Committee.

TÜ Pärnu kolledži turismiturunduse dotsendi ametikohale kandideerib Laszlo Puczko, PhD
Venia legendi teemal "From the T-Modell to the Cirque de Soleil. What does tourism marketing mean in 2015"

21. mail kell 15.00 – 16.30, auditoorimis nr 115

Dr. László Puczkó (PhD MSc MA CMC) graduated in Business Administration at the Budapest University of Economic Sciences in 1993. He holds a Masters degree in Art & Design Management from the Hungarian Academy of Arts and Crafts, a PhD from Budapest University of Economics and Public Administration and is a Certified Management Consultant.

His main areas of expertise are laid in tourism research, strategy preparation, planning and management in the following areas: health, wellness, medical and spa tourism, heritage and cultural tourism, national/regional/local planning, product and project development, experience mapping and enhancement, sustainability and quality of life.

During his career, in the area of tourism research László has organised and performed a series of primary research projects focusing on perception, marketing, attraction management and impacts of tourism both in Central European Countries and globally.

Former positions: researcher, and lecturer at the Tourism Research Centre of Budapest University of Economics and Public Administration (1993-2001), manager at KPMG Advisory Travel, Leisure and Tourism Group (2001-2004). He is a co-author of professional books on health and wellness tourism, the impacts of tourism, visitor management and tourism management in historic cities.